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A SPOOKtober Monster Mash Up 10/26

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Adult Book Club Update

While we are sad that Summer and all of the SRP ’22 fun that comes with it is coming to an end, we are excited to gear up for fall as we will be starting our Adult Book Club back up! Before we can hit the ground running again, we need your help. If you are interested at all in participating in Book Club, please take our survey and give us your input so we can make the club the best it can be. Excited to hear from you all and hopefully we’ll see you in here this August!

Custom Bookmark Contest

The next phase of fun for Summer Reading 2022 is our Custom Bookmark Contest! During the month of July, if you are 18 years or older, you can design a bookmark with any medium you’d like (paper drawing, digital media, etc.).

Voted on by a panel of judges and announced August 5th, the winner will receive a prize, as well as have their design displayed and be available as our bookmark of the year until next Summer!

Turn in your designs to the front desk downstairs during library hours, or email them to us at by July 30th.  Don’t forget to read and sign the waiver when you enter your design to be eligible.



Have you started reading yet this summer? If so, put down the book and pick up your device to play Centerville Public Library’s new Summer Reading 2022 word game: TURTLE! Each day there will be a link to an Oceans of Possibilities themed puzzle to solve. Solve the daily word and post your results to our Facebook page linked at the bottom of this post, and don’t forget to check it off your Checklist Challenge!

Today’s Game



Happy Summer! If you like a good puzzle, play Centerville Library’s new Oceans of Possibilities themed, and Wordle…

Posted by Centerville Public Library on Monday, June 6, 2022